Fractures in children are a frequent concern for parents and caregivers, especially given the active nature of childhood. At Trinity Hospital and Heart Foundation, our pediatric orthopedic specialists are dedicated to providing expert care for young patients. This blog explores the common types of fractures in children, how they occur, and offers insights on prevention to ensure your child stays safe and healthy.
The Unique Nature of Children’s Bones
Children’s bones are different from adults’ in several key ways. They are more flexible and have growth plates—areas of developing cartilage tissue near the ends of long bones. These differences make children’s bones more susceptible to certain types of fractures that are rare in adults. Understanding these can help in early recognition and effective management.
Common Types of Fractures in Children
1. Greenstick Fractures
A greenstick fracture occurs when a bone bends and cracks, but does not break completely because the bone’s ability to bend is much higher than an adult’s. This type of fracture is named after the way a young, fresh twig breaks. It is most commonly seen in children younger than 10 years old.
2. Buckle (Torus) Fractures
Buckle fractures occur when one side of the bone buckles upon itself without disrupting the other side. This type of fracture results from compressive forces and is common in the wrist and forearm of children. It typically happens due to a fall on an outstretched hand.
3. Physeal Fractures
Physeal fractures involve the growth plates of the bone. Since growth plates are the last portion of bones to harden, they are particularly vulnerable to injury. The long-term impact of these fractures can be significant, affecting bone growth, which is why prompt and effective treatment is crucial.
4. Complete Fractures
Complete fractures are those in which the bone breaks into two or more pieces. Depending on the alignment of the broken pieces, these can be further categorized into displaced or non-displaced fractures. These are often the result of a direct blow or a severe twist.
How Do These Fractures Occur?
Fractures in children commonly occur from falls, sports injuries, or motor vehicle accidents. Less commonly, fractures might indicate child abuse, especially if the explanation does not match the injury’s severity or type. Activities like climbing on furniture, playing on playground equipment, and participating in contact sports can increase the risk of fractures.
Prevention Tips
While it’s not possible to prevent all injuries in children, here are some strategies to reduce the risk of fractures:
1. Supervision and Safety Gear
Ensure constant supervision during play and provide appropriate safety gear for sports, including helmets, wrist guards, and knee pads.
2. Safe Play Environments
Check that playground equipment is maintained and that surfaces are soft to cushion falls. Teach children the importance of using equipment as intended.
3. Education
Educate children about the risks of certain behaviors and encourage them to understand their physical limits. Awareness can prevent many accidents.
4. Bone Strengthening
Encourage a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D to promote bone strength. Regular physical activity can also strengthen bones and decrease the risk of fractures.
At Trinity Hospital and Heart Foundation, our pediatric orthopedic team is committed to treating and preventing fractures in children. By understanding the common types of fractures and their causes, parents and caregivers can better safeguard their children against these injuries. Remember, prompt treatment and proper care are crucial to ensure your child recovers fully and continues to lead a healthy, active life.